In the magical city of Venice, where every corner is steeped in history and art, the annual Regata Storica is a dazzling celebration that encapsulates the city’s spirit like no other. As we dive into the captivating world of this historic regatta, join us in uncovering the elegance, tradition, and timeless allure it brings to Venice’s shimmering waters.

The Regata Storica is a time-honored event that takes place on the first Sunday of September, dating back to the 13th century. It is not just a rowing race but a grand showcase of Venice’s rich maritime heritage, featuring a procession of beautifully adorned boats.

The highlight of the Regata Storica is the historic water parade, featuring elaborately decorated 16th-century-style boats known as “bissone.” Skilled rowers, clad in period costumes, propel these magnificent vessels along the Grand Canal, paying homage to Venice’s glorious past.

The Regata Storica is a sensory delight. The rhythmic oar strokes reverberate through the canals, while the vibrant colors of the boats and costumes create a kaleidoscope of visual splendor. It’s a spectacle that transports you to a bygone era.

For spectators, the best vantage points are along the Grand Canal, particularly around the Rialto Bridge and St. Mark’s Basin. Here, you can witness the pageantry up close and cheer for your favorite rowing teams.

The Regata Storica is more than just a race; it’s a living testament to Venice’s enduring maritime heritage. As you soak in the sights and sounds of this remarkable event, you’ll find yourself immersed in the essence of Venice – a city that cherishes its traditions while continuing to inspire generations. So, if you happen to visit Venice during the first weekend of September, make sure to witness the magic of the Regata Storica. It’s an experience that will leave you with lasting memories of this enchanting city.

> Official website of the event

Locazione turistica Cianis Home di Margherita da Sacco
Sestiere San Marco 963, Venezia IT
CIN: IT027042B4GVVFPY6T / CIR: 027042-LOC-13021

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