The Festa del Redentore is one of Venice’s most treasured traditions, deeply rooted in the city’s history and culture. This annual event, held on the third weekend of July, commemorates the end of the plague that struck Venice in 1576. The Venetians, in gratitude for their deliverance, built the Church of the Redentore, designed by Andrea Palladio, on Giudecca Island. Since then, the festival has been a blend of religious observance and vibrant celebration, reflecting the resilience and spirit of the Venetian people.

Historical Significance:
In 1576, Venice was ravaged by a terrible plague, claiming around 50,000 lives, including that of the renowned painter Titian. The Venetian Senate vowed to build a magnificent church if the city was spared from the epidemic. Once the plague ceased, the Church of the Redentore was erected, and the Festa del Redentore has been celebrated annually since 1577. This event is not just a historical remembrance but a living tradition cherished by Venetians for centuries.

Venetian Sentiment:
The Festa del Redentore is a time when Venetians come together to honor their shared history and culture. The festival is marked by heartfelt community participation, with families and friends gathering for picnics and feasts on boats and along the canals. It is a moment of reflection on the city’s past adversities and a celebration of its enduring spirit. For locals, the event is more than just a spectacle; it is a testament to their identity and heritage.

Program Highlights:

  • July 19th: The votive bridge of barges is opened, connecting the Zattere to the Church of the Redentore, allowing thousands of pilgrims to cross the Giudecca Canal on foot.
  • July 20th: The day’s highlight is the stunning fireworks display at 23:30 over the Bacino di San Marco, an event that transforms the Venetian skyline into a dazzling light show. Boats of all sizes gather in the basin, decorated with lights and filled with people enjoying traditional food and music.
  • July 21st: The celebrations continue with traditional regattas in the Giudecca Canal, showcasing the rowing skills of Venetian oarsmen, followed by a solemn mass at the Church of the Redentore.

For more information, visit Venezia Unica

Stay with Us:
Located just a short walk from the Bacino di San Marco, Cianis Home offers the perfect base for experiencing the magic of the Festa del Redentore. Enjoy the comfort of our cozy apartment and be a part of this extraordinary Venetian tradition. Discover the essence of Venice, from its historical roots to its vibrant present, all while staying in the heart of the city. Come and join us for an unforgettable celebration of history, culture, and community!

Locazione turistica Cianis Home di Margherita da Sacco
Sestiere San Marco 963, Venezia IT
CF DSCMGH70M46L781Y / 027042-LOC-13021